The organization facilitates sanitation and hygiene promotion. It provides some facilities and education to the youth concerning sanitation and hygiene to eradicate diseases eruption and transmission. Efforts are put to ensure the environment is generally clean. The organization responds on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene challenges facing the community in order to improve the situation, i.e. to end the national water, sanitation and hygiene crisis by improving water systems and making sanitation facilities like toilets as well as promoting basic hygiene practices in the communities.
However, Mydia-Tz provides Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights to adolescent youth in and out of schools. The organization also does "social behavior change communication" projects focusing on HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Family Planning.
The organization implements projects to reduce Malnutrition to both children and youth, through advocating proper use of balanced diet. In schools especially, the organization promotes and facilitate school gardens (supplementary feeding).
Awareness on both Epidemic and Pandemic diseases.
Note: Most of the projects that needs communication and sensitization to the community are implemented through organized sports Bonanza (Sports, Games and Cultural heritage), a successful platform to bring youth and the community at large together.